Mail & Guardian Online: "Outside Luthuli House, yellow posters beg South Africans to save power. In the lobby of the African National Congress (ANC) headquarters, a veteran of the struggle against apartheid is asking to see 'Baba'. The old man does not have electricity and would like to put his case to the party president. A receptionist shakes her head: 'He comes often. We are always polite.'
Fourteen years after the first all-race elections, the poor masses have had enough. In less than three months, the rand has fallen by 15% and the country is gripped by a power crisis that is increasingly being seen by investors as proof of the wheels coming off the nation's economy."
Fourteen years after the first all-race elections, the poor masses have had enough. In less than three months, the rand has fallen by 15% and the country is gripped by a power crisis that is increasingly being seen by investors as proof of the wheels coming off the nation's economy."