"EU member states and the United States have been excluded from a list of observers who will be invited to monitor next month's general elections in Zimbabwe, the government announced Friday. Foreign Minister Simbarashe Mumbengegwi said a number of regional bodies such as the African Union would be asked to oversee the joint presidential and parliamentary elections on March 29. So too would representatives from allies of President Robert Mugabe's regime such as China, Iran and Venezuela. However, the only European country which had been invited to send monitors was Russia, while the Commonwealth was also left off the invitation list."
Sudan's governemnt has accused Darfur's largest refugee camp of harbouring rebel fighters. The Kalma camp is the only one that is permanently protected by United Nations and African Union forces, but residents fear they may be driven out as the military threatens to take action. Al Jazeera's Hoda Abdel-Hamid reports from the camp.