ethiomedia: "The Committee to Protect Journalists condemns the recent arrest and two-week imprisonment of three journalists from Muslim-oriented newspapers on criminal defamation charges in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Editor Ezedin Mohamed and Publisher Maria Kadim of Al Kidus and Editor Ibrahim Mohamed of Selefia were arrestedon February 16 and held for nearly two weeks. All three were released on February 29 on a bail of 20,000 Birr (US$2,127) each, Ezedin Mohamed said."
Editor Ezedin Mohamed and Publisher Maria Kadim of Al Kidus and Editor Ibrahim Mohamed of Selefia were arrestedon February 16 and held for nearly two weeks. All three were released on February 29 on a bail of 20,000 Birr (US$2,127) each, Ezedin Mohamed said."