Mail & Guardian Online: "Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe launched a new attack on Britain on Friday after it failed to prevent him being invited to a European Union summit next month, telling London to stop interfering in its former colony. In a speech to thousands of die-hard supporters in the capital, Harare, the 83-year-old Mugabe also thanked fellow African heads of state for their diplomatic support in what he called an 'onslaught' by Britain and its allies. 'Zimbabwe is an African country. We are totally independent from Britain. Let Britain there listen to this simple lesson that Zimbabwe is no longer a British colony,' Mugabe told several thousand veterans of the liberation war in the 1970s when Zimbabwe was known as Rhodesia."
Sudan's governemnt has accused Darfur's largest refugee camp of harbouring rebel fighters. The Kalma camp is the only one that is permanently protected by United Nations and African Union forces, but residents fear they may be driven out as the military threatens to take action. Al Jazeera's Hoda Abdel-Hamid reports from the camp.